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Service Details

  • Signature analysis and moulding

    -Brief explanation of what your present signature
    -Discussion on what the writer needs
    -changes suggested (if needed)
    -complete signature change (if needed)
    -new signature designed (if needed) as per the clients need.
    -a brief report also given

  • Name Analysis

    Our name has its own energy, this analysis is done to see the energies our name has and how much we are aligned to it.
    -Brief explanation via phone given of ghd understanding of your name's power
    (Suggestions given if needed)

  • Drawing Analysis

    This analysis is done to see the subconscious state, if there are any issues subconsciously bothering you, as what we think is reflected in our drawings.
    -Brief explanation via phone given with graphotherapy given if needed.

  • Play therapy counselling for parents

    (For Age group 2-8 years) Play therapy counselling is a form of counselling used primarily to guide parents for children who are facing any emotional issue. That’s because children may not be able to process their own emotions or articulate problems to parents or other adults directly. Play therapy tips can be used observe and gain insights into a child’s problems and solve them
    Kids analysis (below 7 years old)
    -Drawing analysis
    -Handwriting analysis
    -Counselling to the parent
    -Tips and tricks given to the parent to bring positive changes in the child’s behaviour

  • Career analysis

    Graphologists know that handwriting gives an authentic clue about the writer’s personality traits. Through handwriting analysis, I can see a writer’s personality in handwriting and help him in many ways, such as finding a right employment.
    Signature analysis
    -Brief explanation of what your present signature
    -Discussion on what the writer needs
    -changes suggested (if needed)
    -complete signature change (if needed)
    -new signature designed (if needed) as per the clients need.
    -a brief report also given

  • Compatibility match

    Are You Two Made for Each Other? Take a Handwriting Test!
    -Handwriting analysis of the couple
    -The insight it provides into the working of the writer’s mind and therefore being able to understand the big why. Why does he or she behave in a certain way? Once you know that, you can handle situations accordingly and life is easy.
    -Signature analysis - to understand the personality
    -Counselling (online only)
    -Therapy - 21 days (online)

  • Grapho-numerology reading

    Grapho-numerology is a form of therapy cum predictive service wherein, we decode the intricacies of your personality through graphoanalysis while providing detailed guidance for past and future references by studying your numbers and planets that entail them. This is a unconventional discipline, and while it may be scientifically sceptical, I've seen this therapy work magic when it comes to my clients, since it not only focuses on the today, but yesterday and tomorrow, helping you heal and transform altogether.
    -Detailed writing analysis to know personality, behaviour, mental state.
    -Signature analysis to know public dealing and how it can be improved.
    -Tree analysis to know how subconscious mind works
    -Therapy (given in 1 go) (if therapy needed for 21 days, subsequent charges will be applicable)
    -Counselling / explanation via phone

  • Numerology

    Numerology, an ancient practice rooted in cultural and spiritual traditions, attributes mystical significance to numbers, asserting their influence on human life. By analyzing birthdates and names, it unveils insights into character traits, challenges, and opportunities. Offering a deeper understanding of oneself, numerology serves as a guide for informed decisions, relationship navigation, and tapping into hidden strengths. Ultimately, it encourages introspection, empowering individuals to align their actions with cosmic energies associated with specific numbers for a purposeful and harmonious life journey. Numerology Life Consultation for an individual – A complete review of life to be, while a clear commentary on past life’s unfulfilled karmas if any, that may be catastrophic if not paid. A detailed view to various personal and professional relationships. Financial and health related blockages and remedies.

  • Logo Analysis

    Logo designing is pivotal for brand identity, offering a visual symbol that conveys a company's values and personality. A well-crafted logo establishes brand recognition, fostering trust and loyalty. It serves as a potent marketing tool, making a lasting impression. Moreover, a logo aligned with the owner's personality adds a personal touch, creating an authentic connection with customers. Reflecting the owner's values and style, it becomes a genuine representation of the business. This personalized approach enhances authenticity, resonating deeply with customers, fostering trust, and contributing to a cohesive brand narrative. In essence, an effective logo is not just a visual element; it's a key to forging a memorable brand identity. At AK we help people to understand the hidden meaning of logo. Our expert study the logo with the help of Graphology and provides you an insight so that you can improve your business in positive way. The logo designing done on the basis of my science that is Graphology & numerology therefore keeping in mind the owner’s personality and his/her vision. Below are the packages given.


    Fundamental basic course (video course) -
    fee 4000/-
  • Introduction to graphology
    • Spacing – types of spacing
    • Baseline – types of baseline
    • Slants – types of slants
    • Handwriting size – signs of introversion & extroversion
    • Zones
    • Print and cursive handwriting
    • Traits of dishonesty in handwriting
    • observation Physical illness through handwriting
    • observation of money handling through handwriting
    • How to make your life awesome with alphabets a w e s o m
    • Maniac d – how to trace the maniacal behavior
    • How to achieve your goals – letter t
    • How to see if you are accident prone in your handwriting
    • General tips on handwriting to make your life better
    Duration of course - 7-8 classes
    Duration of class -40 mins per class
    Certificate given
  • Crash course
    What is graphology
    Uses of graphology
    Modern method of analysis covers topics
    Slant - 4 type
    Zones -3 type
    T bars
    I dots
    Types of Connections
    Basics of signature
    Classes -10 type
    Duration - 40 mins per class
  • Online Bachelor's of Graphology
    Introduction to graphology
    Science and Graphology relationship
    • Line spacing: 4 type
    • Word spacing: 4 type
    • Letter spacing: 4 type
    • Slant: 5 type
    • Size:
    • Pressure: 5 type
    • Baseline
    • Plane page :
    • Rule page :
    • Types of Connection and its various application:
    • Zones
    Duration of course -12-15 classes
    Duration of class -40 mins per class
    Certificate given
  • Online Masters of Graphology
    •Complete graphology & handwriting analysis, for all scripts.
    •Complete a-z alphabet analysis and be able to anylyse any structure of alphabet
    •Recognise a number of traits in people like, creativity, attention span, tendency to cheat, forgiveness level, sympathy, self-esteem, goals and many more.
    •Be able to understand which person will be good at specific abilities, by analysing their processing and execution style
    •Know whom to trust, and whom to not.
    •Understand your family, friends, spouse, partner, employee, boss and others by analysing their handwriting.
    •Recognise clinical depression and suicidal tendencies in a person, on basis of handwriting.
    •Understand yourself better, and reflect on how you have changed as a person over the years. Duration of course -15 classes Duration of class -40 mins per class Certificate given
  • Online Graphology Signature Analysis
    Complete knowledge about finding someone's public personality by just signature
    •Able to suggest right changes in signature for improvements
    •Can find if someone is faking their outer personality or is true self Duration of course -4-5classes Duration of class -40 mins per class Certificate given
  • Online Children Handwriting analysis
    With the help of this course , parents can understand their children in a better manner and be aware of their strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, skills, thought process, health and how the world is influencing them. Solutions & therapies to make the kids happier and stress free .
    Duration of course -6-8 classes Duration of class -40 mins per class Certificate given
  • Decode Drawings
    Through drawings a person expresses subconscious ideas associated with the elements included in it. Drawings tend to reveal a personality in a subtle way since thoughts also happen to be expressed symbolically. Analysis of drawings can often provide us with insights into our personal life, profession and relationships.
    Classes - 8 classes
    Duration of the class - 40 mins
    Certificate given
  • Medical Graphology
    Medical Indicators in Handwriting
    - Identifying signs of physical health issues in handwriting (tremors, pain, neurological conditions, etc.)
    - Recognizing emotional and psychological indicators in handwriting (stress, anxiety, depression, etc.)
    - Linking specific handwriting traits to potential medical conditions
    Duration - 40 mins + 10 mins sample discussion.
    Classes - 5 type